Add Stolen/Lost Medals


When you submit the form we will assume that you are confirming the information you submitted is to the best of your knowledge correct, and the infomation is yours or part of your family.

Once you submit your form you will see a message to say that we have received it.  You will also receive an email with a link back to an editable version of this form where you will be able to make changes.

Or you can visit our Sign In page HERE and use your login details i.e. email and password to see the form.

When you make any changes to the information our admin team will be notifiied that changes have been made.

Your medal listing will remain on the Medal Locator database indefinitely and can only be removed by yourself on receipt of an email using the email address you have provided on your application form, or on receipt of an email from the Police forces to where medal registered with Police.

If you would like to add your medals on our database please use the form here.

Enter info relating to the named person of the medal this is normally shown round rim of medal, or you may have obtained information from documents to the recipient medal you are seeking, then click send.

Important – Although there is a minority number of medals in the Victorian era that do not show a service number, in this case please provide as much information in the boxes provided on medal form as possible.

A service number is unique to the medal recipient making it easy to identify however, there are a minority number of medals where no service number is shown for example a civilian worker, a nurse, in this case make use describing what they were for example nurse.

WWI medals - If you are unsure what medals a family member was entitled to, visit Ancestry, go to Medal Index Cards. The cards will provide important information for example service number and what medals the recipient is entitled to and much more.

Service number - In some cases, two or more service numbers may have been given to the medal recipient, just enter all the service numbers example 1234 / ABCD / 6789 including known mistakes if any.

Names - In some cases complication have arisen with names as seen on medal index cards, in this case you will need to list all the names but, on a new form to each named person.

Your personal details - I will keep on record your contact details as shown on form, this is just in case I need to contact you should I receive any response from visitors to Twitter, Facebook or Website, your details are not disclosed to any enquirers received except where it relates to a medal stolen and Police are involved.

WW2 medals – The Stars, Defence and War medals were not engraved however, in some cases the recipient to medals had the medals engraved privately unknown to family members.

I should also be noted the recipient may have medals that were already engraved for example a decoration or a Long Service Medal, these medals may be mounted with medals without any names. In this case all medals would be listed on Facebook, Twitter and Medal Locator database.

Unsure of WW2 medal entitlement - If you are unsure what medals a family member were entitled to, you can make an application to the MOD:

Useful advertise idea’s that may be of help - It’s always a good idea to advertise to as many medal organisations/sites/Auctions where possible when trying to locate a medal whether family or collector, the following are four examples you can find on internet.

· Medal News – (Token Publishing Ltd) Tel: 01404 46972

· Facebook group – Medals, lost, stolen or found.

· Facebook group – Medals lost & found.

· Facebook group – Reuniting Family Medals.

An extra couple of ideas of interest.

“The Sale Room” - Just an idea in helping you, I understand from others there is a website called “The Sale Room” where one can register their interest in an item they are seeking, I understand they associate with several Auctions meaning you save time going from one auction to another. I don’t know the workings of the site but I do know “The Sale Room” are still in existence, I have never used them but only know what I was told, it’s worth a check to see if you can list the medals you seek, I also think they contact you should what you seek is shown in an Auction. Again, I don’t know if this service still exists.

“eBay” It may be worth checking if “eBay” do something (listing an item) like the sale room. I do know eBay has a system where one can check new listings, certainly worth investigating.

I hope this is of some help.

If you do use either the sale room or ebay please let me know how you got on.


Although some provide a data list of their sales, NOTE if you happen to find a medal that was sold in one of their Auction sales, the Auction House will not provide you any details of the buyer however, some Auctions are happy to pass your letter to the purchaser of the medal you seek. I advise you to phone the Auction first and check if this is a service they provide.


Stolen medals - Please note: if your medals were stolen regardless how long ago, your medal listing will become a priority listing on Medal Locator database, providing you stipulate Police force name to location where threft took place and crime reference number associated to the crime on your medal form.

It’s a known fact, Auctions, medal dealers and medal collectors will not take any notice of a medal stolen unless it has a Police force crime reference and Police force name to where registered as stolen.